Equal Employment Opportunity Reporting

EEO-1 Reporting

Lockheed Martin, as a federal contractor meeting certain criteria, is required to annually submit demographic workforce data to the U.S. government.  The Employer Information Report, otherwise known as the EEO-1 Report, includes data about our U.S. based workforce by sex, ethnicity and race and by job categories. The ten job categories listed in the Report are based on the U.S. Department of Labor’s 2010 Job Classification Guide, which is based on the 2018 Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) and Census Job Codes and Titles, regardless of industry.

The EEO-1 Report data is one measure of our progress toward a U.S. workforce reflective of the relevant labor market.  While the job categories in the EEO-1 Report are quite broad and do not directly align with our functional organizations or job classification structure, the Report provides insight into the company’s U.S. population overall.


Comparison to External Benchmarks

Lockheed Martin’s U.S. data can be compared to external benchmarks, such as other Aerospace and Defense (A&D) companies or independent standards.  Some may compare it against companies in other industries that reflect bona fide differences in the composition of the workforces, based on the services, industries, and types of occupations each company employs. 

For example, a U.S. health care organization may have a large, even majority, female workforce, based on the occupations it employs, such as nurses and health care workers, as  89.3% of registered nurses are women (10.7% are men) and 71.7% of medical and health services managers are women (28.3% are men) in the U.S., per U.S. Census data. 

In comparison, as an A&D contractor, over half of Lockheed Martin's U.S. workforce is employed in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) occupations.  Example positions in the STEM occupations and their nationwide labor market include: aerospace engineer (12.7% women and 87.3% men), software developer (21.8% women and 78.2% men), and mechanical engineer (8.3% women and 91.7% men).  The U.S. demographic composition of the occupations employed at Lockheed Martin is 26.1% women and 73.9% men.

In this example, women comprise more than 70% of the healthcare organization’s occupations but only 26.1% of the occupations employed by Lockheed Martin, therefore composition of the two workforces should differ, based on the labor markets of the occupations employed. 

Additionally, although U.S. citizens and non-citizens are counted in the Census data, only citizens are eligible to obtain U.S. government granted security clearances.  On average, 70% of Lockheed Martin’s positions require a security clearance, and this U.S. government requirement limits the workforce available to Lockheed Martin.  The limitation is relevant when comparing Lockheed Martin to high tech firms or A&D companies with significant commercial business, which do not have similar needs for cleared workers.

2023 EEO Demographics





Updated: January 2025